Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tale #8: Bandit

"Cats!" Dancing Bear exclaimed. "Do you have more than one?"

"Yes," David McDougall answered. "Two cats live here. The other one is named Bandit. I'm surprised he hasn't made an appearance. He's very friendly, and loves to investigate new people."

"Bandit is a young whippersnapper," Oreo said. "Don't pay any attention to him."

"Hmmm," said Dancing Bear. "Is he your brother?"

"NO," Oreo said. "He just showed up one day. I told him to go away. But David McDougall thought he was cute."

"I AM CUTE," a new voice said. A very large, fluffy black tabby cat with a white chest walked into the living room, waving his tail like a flag. "I AM THE BEST-LOOKING PUSSYCAT IN THE WHOLE WORLD!"

"Hello, Bandit," David McDougall said. "Come and meet our guest, Dancing Bear."

Bandit jumped up on Dancing Bear's lap. He put his paws on her chest and said, "Hello. Here I am. Pet me. I'm cute and intelligent and adorable."

"Ignore him," Oreo said. "He's just a young whippersnapper."

"Am not!" Bandit said.

"Are too!" Oreo said, and tried to climb onto Dancing Bear's lap beside him.

"Take it easy!" Dancing Bear said, laughing. "One at a time, please!"

"You haven't finished brushing me," Oreo complained. "Isn't your break over now?"

"She's just jealous because I grew up to be bigger than her," Bandit said, pushing Oreo back onto the stool. "I weigh over eight kilos, and she just weighs five. She can't bully me any more."

"What are they saying?" David McDougall asked.

"They're arguing about who is better," Dancing Bear said. "Oreo is older, but Bandit weighs more."

"How old are you?" David McDougall asked.

"I've hibernated seventeen times," Dancing Bear said. "Is that old?"

"You're three years older than Oreo, and you weigh more than both of them put together," David McDougall said. "So you must be the best animal in the house."


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