Friday, January 06, 2006

Tale #26 -- Jacob and the Mermaid

Jacob lived in Ontario with his parents and his baby sister Alice. When his grandmother retired, she moved to Vancouver Island. Jacob missed her a lot.

"Cheer up!" his mother told him. "We'll fly out there for a visit soon."

When summer arrived, the whole family went to Vancouver Island. They flew to Victoria. Then they rented a car and drove to Campbell River.

Jacob was happy to see his grandmother again. He hugged her and told her about everything that had happened since she left. Then he hugged her again. She took him for a walk along the ocean and told him about the animals and birds who lived there -- seals and orcas and eagles and cormorants and dolphins. She also explained how the moon's gravity made the water of the ocean rise and fall.

"You have to be careful near the ocean," Jacob's grandmother warned him. "Sometimes the tide comes in very quickly."

One day, while the others were busy, Jacob decided to go to the ocean by himself. First he made a sand castle with a moat. Then he played on some rocks. He discovered tide pools full of crabs and starfish and sea anemones and lots of little fish. He was having so much fun that he didn't notice the tide coming in.

When he was ready to go home, the whole beach was under water. He was on a little island of rock, surrounded by waves! The shore seemed very far away.
"I wonder how deep that water is," Jacob said to himself. He was worried, because he wasn't a good swimmer yet.

Just then, a big wave washed over the rocks. Jacob fell down and hit his head so hard that he was knocked out.
When he woke up, he was lying on some sand in a cave. A girl with green hair was watching him.

"Are you all right?" she asked. Jacob noticed she had a fish tail instead of legs.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"This is my special hiding place," the young mermaid said. "You were washed into the ocean, so I brought you here. I know you can't breathe water like I do."

"Thank you for saving my life," Jacob said. "What's your name?"

"My name is Marinelle," the mermaid said.

"I'm pleased to meet you," Jacob said. "My name is Jacob Wisemann."

They talked for a while. Then Marinelle showed Jacob some stepping stones he could use to get back to shore. When his grandmother saw his wet clothes, she scolded him for being careless.

"I met a mermaid," Jacob said. "Her name is Marinelle, and--"

"You're grounded for two days," his grandmother said. "One day for almost getting yourself killed, and one day for trying to distract me with that crazy story." Before she let Jacob go near the ocean again, she made him promise to be more careful.

After that, Jacob went to visit Marinelle's special hiding place whenever he could. Marinelle helped him improve his swimming. She showed him all her favourite places along the beach.

"I wish I could take you home to meet my family," Marinelle said.

"Me too," Jacob said. "Maybe I can rent some scuba equipment when I'm older."

Marinelle had no clothes, so Jacob gave her one of his T-shirts as a farewell gift. If you happen to be cruising on the ocean near Campbell River, watch for a mermaid wearing a T-shirt that says HEARST -- MOOSE CAPITAL OF CANADA. If you see her, wave and yell, "Hi Marinelle!" Maybe she'll wave back.


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