Friday, December 30, 2005

Tale #32 -- Christmas at Ben's

"It's rather noisy here," Oreo said, "but the turkey and gravy were really good."

"I prefer the Finnish smoked salmon," Bandit said. "I'd like to stay here all the time. There are people to play with and different kinds of food to eat."

"Young whippersnappers like you don't understand the importance of peace and quiet," Oreo said.

"Peace and quiet are okay," Bandit said, "but we've been getting too much of it."

"What did you think of the Christmas story?" Oreo asked.

"There were no cats in it," Bandit said.

"Hmmm," Oreo said. "That's true. Maybe I should try putting a cat in it."

"Go for it," Bandit said. "I'm all ears."


When Mary had to go to Bethlehem with her husband Joseph, it was her first time away from home. She was scared.

"Here," her mother said. "Take your kitten with you. That will help."

The kitten's name was Chayka. She had short black fur, white socks, very large ears, and a loud purr.

Mary and Joseph walked and walked. Sometimes they took turns riding the donkey. Sometimes Chayka walked, but most of the time Mary carried her. Chayka cuddled on Mary's chest and purred.

When they finally got to Bethlehem, it was almost dark. They were very tired. Mary and Chayka waited under a tree with the luggage while Joseph rode all over town looking for a place to stay.

Mary dozed off. Chayka got tired of waiting and went to talk to some animals in a stable.

"Why don't you stay with us?" they asked.

When Joseph returned, the stars were shining brightly. He was very upset because all the inns were full.

"What will we do?" he said.

"It's all right," Mary said. "We can camp right here under this tree."

"But what if your baby is born tonight?" Joseph asked. "Who will look after you?"

Just then, Mary noticed that Chayka was missing. "Oh dear! Where did she go?" she asked. She starting calling her name. "Chayka! Chayka! Where are you?"

"Here I am!" Chayka mewed in the dark. "Come over here!"

Chayka led Mary and Joseph to the stable. They tied up the donkey and made themselves a bed of straw. When the lady of the house came out to look after the animals, she saw Mary and Joseph. Her name was Miriam, and she had a very kind heart. She brought Mary and Joseph some warm soup and blankets and gave Chayka some goat's milk. Later, she helped Mary have her baby.

"I am so glad we found this place," Mary told Miriam. "You will always be like a second mother to me."

"What are you going to call your son?" Miriam asked.

"Jesus," Mary said.

"That's an excellent name," Miriam said.

There were lots of visitors to the stable over the next few days, and Miriam looked after them all. They told her that the baby was the Messiah -- the new king who would save his people.

"Oh my!" Miriam said. "What an honour for me to have such important guests! I am so glad that Chayka led them here."


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